Monday, February 16, 2009

Colorado conservatives to riot over signing of "stimulus" bill

Obama will be in town to sign the thing, they're gonna be in the streets to protest, and there's not a thing the pigs can do about it. It'll be just like the DNC!

Well, maybe not. But there's going to be a bunch of people signing giant (fake, I think) checks, a $30,000-a-plate pig roast, and lots of state political bigwigs, not to mention Michelle Malkin (swoon).

The dirigiste dictator of North Denver, El Presidente, has much more, but the event takes place on the west steps of the Capitol from noon to two p.m. Be there or be heavily in debt (I know, too late).

Update: Bleeeeeeeeeeecchhhhhhh: "Denver teen practices for presidential moment":
Jose Juan Cruz, a 16-year-old sophomore at Bruce Randolph School, was the only student in school on Presidents Day. He was practicing for the president.

Microphone in hand, he turned and faced the American flag. Placing his right hand over his heart, he spoke carefully: "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of
America . . . ."

When President Barack Obama signs the stimulus package today at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Cruz will start the ceremonies by reciting the pledge.

"I am a little nervous," he said. "I mean, the president will be right in front of me."
Use a TelePrompter!
It was Kristin Waters, Bruce Randolph School's principal, who selected Cruz to read the pledge. . . .

"He was just a natural fit for this very special event," Waters said.

There will be time for some last-minute practice, but Monday was Cruz's chance to nail the routine free of pressure.

On his final drill Monday, Cruz followed the same routine as before, turning to his right and holding his hand to his heart.

He made it through without hesitation.
GOD bless America.

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