Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Colorado BBC interview that set Bolton off

A couple of days after the election I linked to a video of former UN ambassador John Bolton, in the BBC studios on election night, going off like a hairy firecracker on the bias of a BBC reporter's interview with somebody at the GOP election-night gathering here in Denver. Unfortunately, the interview itself wasn't included in the clip, and nobody seemed able to come up with it, so there was no, you know, context. Who the hell was the guy even interviewing?

But finally a commenter at Biased BBC has found it. As it turns out, the interview, by reporter Rajnesh Mirchandani, was with Colorado GOP chairman Dick Wadhams. It took place at a point when Obama hadn't quite won yet, but things were looking dire.

Mirchandani is condescending ("you're putting a brave (or cheerful) face on it" he says several times), ill-disguisedly triumphant and, yes, argumentative, as Bolton points out. But Wadhams handles it just fine, giving back at least as good as he gets, as one would expect from an old pro.

So maybe Bolton was just trying to shake things up a little. But check it out for yourself. Here's a question: Does Wadhams even know about Bolton's reaction to the interview?

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